Saturday, August 18, 2007

Late Saturday Night...

I decided to put in some work on the landscape below to try to add some life to the upper right corner. It may be time to stop working on this one or it may become too labored. I will set it aside and work on something new tomorrow. I'm not very practiced at landscapes so I feel as though I've never picked up a brush before.

Of course, every time you pick a new type of subject or medium, there is an uncomfortable period of adjustment.

I am looking forward to painting with a group of my artist friends beginning in September when the weather cools a little. We'll be painting on the banks of the Guadalupe River just to the NE of San Antonio. This will be my first "paint out" so I'm anxious to give it a try.

For now, I'll settle on starting another "from nature" painting. I'm working at painting at a quicker pace to loosen up which is a real challenge for someone who likes to get all of the details in.

Here is one of my watercolor pieces that is still available...

"Beauty in the Beast"

I am so accustomed to painting in the minute details that it is hard to pick up a large brush and stroke in a broad sweep of color! I'm working on it though so stay tuned for my progress.

1 comment:

Whispering Walls said...

I like that. Your blog's very hard to read with its black background, by the way, although the pictures show up well