Friday, February 27, 2009

Moving along...

After another day of painting...

It looks like the berries, stems and leaves were less intimidating
than the fence post.  It all seems to depend on my mood when 
I sit down to paint. I really prefer to work from "life" meaning 
from the actual item rather than from a photo.  

In this case, I had to work from other references because I
couldn't very well bring the fencepost and wire home with 
me and the berries that I picked from a shrub on our property 
when I was doing the drawing had all disappeared when I was 
ready to start painting.

This means that I'm working from a photo, from memory and from 
"Berry Red", a painting that I did last year.  This is a pretty good 
photograph from my little point and shoot camera but the red berries are 
a bit more saturated in the actual painting.

I think that it's coming along pretty well now... what do you think?


Brenda Lyons said...

Your details are so crisp! And the colors so smooth and velvety. I love seeing the progress of this!

J A Baker said...

Thanks, Brenda. I have a deep love of detail and try as I might, I can never seem to loosen up! The best I can do is to put a washy background in.